Monday, January 31, 2005

never bring a limerick to a haiku fight

It will be said it was a dark day for my enemies, but it was not so bad for me...The Haiku Master.

I was on my way home from the market when my Haiku Master super-hearing picked up the faint sound of footsteps some yards behind me. I paused, and the footsteps did as well. I sped up, and the footsteps kept pace.

Then, from the corner of my eye, I caught a fleeting shadow to my right. And to my left, another. And far ahead, under the lonely street lamp, I could make out a dim shape.

In another moment, I was surrounded -- herded in like a sow by nine disciples of the cursed League of Limerickists. They spoke in unison, snapping their fingers in time to the moronic beat to which their craft is fastened:

"There once was a dumb haiku master,
whose verses were all a disaster..."

At that, I snapped, and the infamous Haiku Master Berserker Rage overtook me. When I came to two weeks later, I was buying a round of drinks in a Mexican cantina...and was wearing the limerickists' ears 'round my neck on a guitar string necklace!

Which should serve as a lesson to one and all: never cast limericks before haiku masters.

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