just like old times
Welcome back, 'ku believers! It's me, The Haiku Master, just returned from a trip to the local Piggly Wiggly, and you'll never guess who I ran into -- my sometime ally and sometime foe, Old Man Winter!

The Haiku Master (Left) And Old Man Winter (Right) Both Love Shopping At Piggly Wiggly
"Haiku Master! Hey, Haiku Master!" he shouted as we crossed paths in the dairy aisle. "It's me Haiku Master, Old Man Winter! Remember me?"
"Of course I remember you!" I replied, clapping him gladly on the shoulder. "How've you been, old soul?"
"Eh, as well as can be expected. You know, what with me being old and all. But hey, Haiku Master! My name's not Old Soul! It's Old Man Winter!"
"Yes, of course it is. So, anything new?"
"Yeah, there sure is -- I got married, Haiku Master! Whaddya think of that?"
"That's fantastic! Is the blushing bride here?"
"Oh, at home then?"
"Uh... alright then. Where is she?"
"Oh, she's dead. I froze her to death, Haiku Master! I froze my little buttercup right to death!"
"That... that's tragic, man! I don't know what to say."
"Eh, don't worry about it. I'd gone off my meds for a bit, and you know how I get when I'm off my meds."
"Don't I ever."
"Well okay, Haiku Master! It was good seeing you!"
"Likewise, old friend."
"No, Haiku Master, you got it all wrong again! It's Old Man Winter! See? Old Man Winter!"
"Right you are. Don't be a stranger now, hear?"
"You betcha, Haiku Master! Catch you later!"
Old Man Winter walked off, leaving me to finish my shopping. Sure was nice seeing the guy. Too bad about his wife, but then, any woman who marries Old Man Winter kind of gets what she has coming.

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