full moon fever
Well well well, 'ku believers! 'Tis I, The Haiku Master, bringing you news of a highly important legal precedent: "the moon" has been ruled a legal form of expression in the State of Maryland (link goes to MSNBC.com)!

A Lesson In Irony: Mac Tonight, While A Moon, Is Unable To Give Someone "The Moon"
And it's about damn time, might I add! Take it from me, loyal readers; few laughs in life are as heartfelt -- and inexpensive -- as those gained by shining a well-timed moon at a gaggle of local yokels from the passenger seat of a fast moving vehicle. Plus, as the gentleman in the news report demonstrates, a good moon's also the perfect capstone to a well-reasoned argument, leaving your opponent little option but to cede victory or discuss the matter further with your buttocks.
Okay, li'l dumplings, I have to split -- there's chatter on the police wire about a gang of black market giraffe dealers operating out of a seemingly abandoned warehouse down by the docks. Frankly, if that's not a job for the Sultan of Syllables, I don't know what is.

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