Friday, January 06, 2006

straight back into the game

'Sup, yo! It's me, The Haiku Master, with a double-barrel blast of earth-shaking events to share with you tonight! Are you ready? Huh, are you? Are you?? Okay then, here we go: I'm officially back in the haiku business, and I'm telling you all about it with the 200th Haiku International "blog" post!!!

That's right! Friday Haiku -- my weekly email mailing list that originally ran from June 2003 - June 2005, and, uh, contains haiku and gets delivered on Fridays -- got relaunched today with an all-new, highly collectible #1 issue, and will continue until I eventually get bored and retire it again. Designed to disrupt workplaces worldwide while converting new haiku disciples, Friday Haiku is one of the many free services offered by Haiku International. To subscribe, or to learn more about how H.I. can help you live a fuller, happier life, drop me a line at In the meantime, here's the first edition of the new F.H. volume for your reading pleasure:

Curdled, hardened milk
To my mouth from cows' bellies
Damn straight I love cheese

Good stuff, huh? As for this bicentennial post... well, shucks; I guess I owe it all to clean living. Spreading haiku and fighting crime aren't easy tasks to begin with, and get downright dangerous when combined on a regular basis, but rest assured the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 is chock-full of skills with which to pay those bills. Count on it!


P.S. If any wanna-be Encyclopedia Browns out there try counting each H.I. post, it's true they won't find 200. But remember, grasshoppers: many of my Epic Sagas were originally published in serialized form, and can encompass anywhere from 6-12 posts each. Frankly, I'm shocked you would doubt a paragon of virtue like yours truly in the first place.

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