the pitfalls of corporate sponsorship
Ten-hut, fellow danger-junkies! It's me, The Haiku Master, here to bring your attention to the unfortunate legal case of one of my fellow crimefighters, Omega the Unknown!

Ol' Omega's Up To His Neck In Legal Worries
As the more observant amongst you no doubt noticed, last week's minor site redesign also marked the introduction of an eye-catching new link directly below my profile. For the less observant amongst you, here it is again:
For the painfully unobservant amongst you, the message is this: Omega the Unknown was created in 1975 by Steve Gerber and Mary Skrenes. Meaning they created the comic book version of Omega, because the real Omega is of course a real dude -- take it from me, I've met him on numerous occassions.
Unfortunately for all involved, they created Omega while employed by Marvel Conglomerated Global Enterprises Inc., the infamous comics plantation founded by Spider-Man's scheming nephew. Which means the rights to Omega's comic book adventures are owned by Marvel, rather than Gerber, Skrenes, or even Omega. Which further means that Marvel can put out any kind of Omega comic it wants to, whether the creators and star agree to it or not!
For the past 25-some-odd years, this has been moot, as Marvel showed no interest in developing another Omega book since the original's cancellation (much to the out-of-work Omega's dismay, might I add). That changed in early May, when a hot-shot young novelist was announced as the writer of an all-new Omega series!
The problem? Omega, Gerber, and Skrenes aren't being consulted... nor will they share in any of the profits! To make matters worse, the story will bear no relation to Omega's true life adventures! And the cruelest cut of all? Some actor is playing Omega -- one who doesn't even look like the genuine article!!
All of which makes the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 wonder: why exactly is this brilliant new writer calling his series Omega the Unknown? I mean, if he can change everything else about the concept, can't he create a new title and character names, too?
At any rate, you can learn more about this debacle over at the Steve Gerblog. As for Omega, I've invited him to the big housewarming party I'm hosting here at Castle Haiku later today. Hopefully the combination of food, booze, and starlets will go a long way towards turning his current frown upside down.