tom cruise is cool and he is my friend
Hello truth, seekers. I am, the Mr. Haiku Master and tonight I, want to tell you, about my close personal, friend Mr. World Famous Movie Star Tom Cruise.

The New, Improved Haiku Master And Matinee Idol Tom Cruise Wow Passers-by At A Scientology Center
Yes that, Mr. Tom Cruise. The star of The Firm Top, Gun Rain, Man Cocktail and many. Others. I the, Hero of Haiku will even, be the best, man when he marries my other close personal, friend Ms. Katie, Holmes. Take it from me they, hump like rabbits all the time and they, are like lust-crazed Olympian gods in the sack you, can believe that.
Also I, would like to say that Mr. Tom Cruise is the, coolest dude currently, on earth. He is, not as cool as Commodore, Hubbard of course but, he comes pretty. Close. You should go see, his new movie! It is, called War of the Worlds and, Mr. Tom Cruise fights aliens, in it something, he is very well prepared for.
You, should also see Ms. Katie, Holmes' new movie Batman, Begins. It is, about a man who eschews, the lies of psychiatry and, finds the super human, within. Just like me and, my friends in Scientology! That is why, we are so happy like, Mr. Batman!
Time, for me to go I have, a lot of crimefighting, to do tonight. Good thing, I have Scientology and, my friendship with, Mr. Tom Cruise to keep, me safe. You, should look into Scientology! You will, be so, happy you will not believe, it! Visit us at,, today okay! That's what, I say! I am... the Mr. Haiku Master!
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