Try not to make any loud noises, 'ku believers. It's your friend and mentor, The Haiku Master, and I'm a little spooked right now... for I just had a second encounter with what can only be my opposite number from the nebulous Mirror Universe!!
It all went down earlier tonight. Two of my most respected peers -- Mexico's El Santo y Blue Demon -- are in town on business, so I decided to treat them to one of the best restaurants Baltimore has to offer: the local Chuck E. Cheese!
Santo y Blue DemonAfter picking them up at the BWI, we hightailed it over to Chuck's in time for our seven o'clock reservation... only to be told that I was already inside, dining with two friends!
"Eh, pardon the presumption old friend, but if this is some kind of convoluted ploy to evade footing the bill, I'll be more than happy to pay," said Santo, in an extremely rare use of English. "Business is good these days, and I'm far too hungry to stand here quibbling over finances when we could be dining on this renowned rodent's authentic Italian cuisine."
"No, Santo, I assure you," I assured him, "this is no trick on my part!" Then, to the
maitre'd: "Now see here, my good man! How could I possibly be dining with two friends when my two friends and I stand here before you?! Riddle me
"Whoa whoa, take it easy, dude!" said the
maitre'd. "Look, all I know is some dude calling himself The Haiku Master showed up about 20 minutes ago with two other dudes. Heh, they even look kinda like
your buds, only fatter. And, uh, Frencher. See for yerself if you don't believe me!"
I peered into the dining room, and gasped -- for it was none other than my tracksuited doppleganger, accompanied by extra large, French-ified versions of Santo and Blue Demon!
"That's it, I've had about enough of this!" I shouted with conviction. "You there -- you in the tracksuit! What do you think you're doing, telling people you're me?"
My opposite paused his pizza-eating, and whispered something in French to his companions. He then rose, removed the paper bib from 'round his neck, and approached me.
The Haiku Master (Left) Faces Off Against The Fake The Haiku Master (Right)"So, you think you're The Haiku Master, huh?" he said.
"What?" I said. "No, I don't
think I'm The Haiku Master. I
know I'm The Haiku Master!"
"Oh yeah?"
"Prove it."
"You heard me. Prove it."
"Prove it how?"
"Shit, I don't know. Say, how much can you bench?"
"Yeah, you know. Lift."
"Yeah, lift. Like weights."
"Weights? Oh, I don't know... somewhere around 500 or so?"
"500?" he said, incredulously.
"Or so. Yeah."
"Yeah. 500."
Mirror Universe The Haiku Master giggled, then poked my bicep. He turned to the fugazi Santo and Blue Demon and spoke French. All three exploded in laughter.
"Okay, tough guy, okay," he said.
"Okay?" I said.
"Yeah, okay, you got yourself a deal."
"Yeah, deal."
"What deal?"
"Deal is, tomorrow night you and your boys meet me and my boys right back here at good ol' Chuck E. Cheese."
"And then?"
"And then... you and me are gonna arm-wrassle."
"Wrassle, wrestle. We're gonna lock arms, and whoever pushes the other guy's arm down wins."
"Oh," I said. "Oh, I've never been too good at that game."
"Too bad."
"No, I said too
"I -- look, never mind all that. Whoever wins the arm-wrasslin', wins."
"Wins what?"
"The rights to be The Haiku Master, of course. Got it?"
"Got what?"
"Look, here's the thing. Just be here tomorrow night at seven, or you lose."
"Lose what?"
"Just be here at seven, tough guy."
With that, the three Mirror Universe immigrants left, leaving myself, Santo, and Blue Demon with a half-eaten pizza and plenty of questions.
"They also stuck you with the bill, dude," said the
maitre'd as he dropped off said tab. "Thanks for choosing Chuck E. Cheese, where a kid can be a kid."
So there you have it, loyal readers: the gauntlet has been thrown! Check back in tomorrow night to see how everything turns out. In the meantime, I'm off to practice arm-wrestling with the Haiku-Bot. If he can go "Over the Top" as well as he makes hoagies, I just might have a shot at winning this thing. Wish me luck!