drunk in the heart of texas, pt. V
Things looked bleak. The Muffin Man was swinging his meat cleaver wildly, and the only thing standing between him and my bandmates' certain death was my battle-hardened Haikung Fu! I leapt into a fighting stance, ready to deliver a devastating technique known as the Purple Nurple... when the Muffin Man was tackled by Texas Kelly's henchman, Dubya!

"Bring it on!" the bearded giant roared. He knocked the Muffin Man to the pavement, causing his pudgy foe to lose his grip on the meat cleaver. "Bring! It! On!"
"Aiyeeeeee!!!" the Muffin Man gasped, squirming out of Dubya's grasp. "You cheap #%@$ers! You haven't seen the last of me! You haven't! No sir, you sure haven't! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hoo hoo! Pbbbbbbt!"
With that, he was gone, beating feet down the hot Wal-Mart parking lot.
"Good riddance to that freak," I said, just as Texas Kelly arrived on the scene.
"What in the hell's going on here?" he asked.
"Terrorist," Dubya said. "Me take the fight to him."
"Some cat calling himself the Muffin Man," I added. "Know him?"
"Know him? Do I ever!" said T.K. "I can't believe that sonuvabitch was messing with you guys -- I told him to stay away from my bands, confound it!"
Our manager took his hat off, and threw it to the ground in frustration. "Dammit!" he shouted. "Now he made me get my hat dirty!" He stooped down, picked the hat up, dusted it off, and put it back on his head.
"That's it -- I'm killing that cheap bastard this time!"
T.K. stormed over to the bus, went in, and came out with his trusty "peacemaker" -- a K-Mart brand .22 rifle!
"Dubya, Paulo! You're with me -- Dubya, go find us a taxi!" he commanded. "H.M., you take the rest of the boys back to the hotel and wait for us there!"
"Well, uh, whoa! You mean, you're really going to kill him? Like, you know, kill him? Dead?"
"Do I look like I'm foolin', boy?!" T.K. howled. "Now get on outta here!"

From Left: Paulo, Texas Kelly, And Dubya Go A-Huntin' The Muffin Man
Though the Sultan of Syllables is morally opposed to cold-blooded murder, he has an even stricter policy against arguing with angry gun-toting people. As a result, Rudy, Sanchez, Jesus, and I were soon hightailing it back to the Stuart Beach Inn... but not before stopping off for a lukewarm case of Tecate: The Official Cerveza of Paulo, Agent of Haiku!
It was many hours before we saw the other three, but that sweet, sweet cerveza really made the time fly while we were waiting. Ask for it by name!
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