clowns don't change their greasepaint
Hello there, loyal readers. It's me, The Haiku Master, and do I ever have some frightening news: notorious super-villain Boss Clown is apparently up to his old tricks again, knocking over a doughnut shop in Everett, WA on October 19 (link goes to the highly respected Komo 1000 News)!
According to the report, "the robbers were "[i]n full clown make up with red noses..." and "forced [the owner's] wife to open the safe in the back room," "...[getting] away with $300-$400 before running out the back door." If that doesn't sound like a classic Boss Clown M.O., I don't know what does! And having matched wits with that fiend countless times in the past, the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 is in a unique position to know!

Criminal Mastermind Boss Clown In An Undated File Photo
Plus, he's more dangerous than ever now that he has a sidekick. So beware, non-rhyming poetry fans -- especially if you own a doughnut shop!!

P.S. I'd go after Boss Clown, but my crimefighting jurisdiction doesn't extend to the state of Washington. (Mr. Sasquatch has that beat, and he's very territorial, believe you me!) But if B.C. makes the mistake of coming back to the Baltimore area, you have my assurance I'll be on him like white on rice.
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