suck it, haiku fans
Hi there, dipshits. No, this isn't your old buddy, your old pal, your old friend the Haiku Masturbator. It's me -- Haikunestro.

I, Haikunestro
That's right, idiots. You probably came here looking for the eighth chapter in my dimwitted nemesis' so-called Vegas venture. Well, guess what? I temporally displaced his ass all the way back to 1960, which means you're not getting any of his nonsense tonight. Boo-frikkin-hoo.
Instead -- thanks to my well-above average computer hacking abilities -- you get the greatness that is me telling the lowness that is you that you're not doing yourself or the world any favors by encouraging that cabbage-headed cretin. I mean, come on; the guy's borderline retarded. Laughing at his stuff is like laughing at the antics of a classroom full of Down's Syndrome kids. Which I personally find enjoyable, but I'm a high-profile professional super-villain. You people, on the other hand, have no excuse.
So that's that. Go find a collective life, you losers.

P.S. Yes you yahoos, I do realize I temporally displaced your ill-advised choice of hero more than two weeks ago, and am only now hijacking his "blog." Maybe this is due to my aforementioned mad computer hacking skills, or perhaps it means Haiku Head never made it back from the past. Guess you'll have to wait and see. It's not like anyone who visits this site has anything better to do.
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