can't stop jodie foster's signal
Greetings friends! 'Tis I, The Haiku Master, taking a little break from my Big Vegas Caper to do a victory dance -- for try as he might, wannabe-Roddenberry Joss Whedon couldn't unseat America's reigning queen of moviemaking, my beloved Jodie Foster (link goes to The Hollywood Reporter)!

Ahh, If Only She Were Holding Cabbage: The Haiku Master Loves Jodie Foster, But Not In A Creepy John Hinckley, Jr. Kind Of Way
That's right! As of this morning, the weekend box office total saw Foster's Flightplan earn $14.8 million, while Whedon's Serenity only gained a paltry $10.1 million! What's more, Flightplan was in its second week of release, while Serenity was a brand new addition to your local cineplex; talk about star power!!
All of which proves my longstanding theory: movie audiences love Jodie Foster! Not as much as the Sultan of Syllables does, mind you, but they love her all the same.
So let this stand as a lesson to you big-shot Hollywood producers -- if you want a major hit on your hands, make sure Jodie Foster's name comes above the title on the poster. Otherwise, you're gunning for Second Place City... or worse!

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