shelton has the coolest job ever
Hey there, folks! It's me, The Haiku Master, and I'm in one hell of a magnanimous mood tonight -- for I've decided to reinstate Haiku International's recently fired Minister of Information, and give him a tidy little raise to boot!
Why the generosity, you ask? Because Shelton, as I call him (having long ago forgotten the rest of his name, or whether Shelton is part of his name at all; I'm bad at keeping up with the hired help), would appear to be a lightning rod for miracles... having gone to his "real job" this morning, only to find a tuxedo-wearing chimpanzee acting like a madman in the lobby!!!
Want proof? Then feast your eyes on this!

This Chimpanzee Paid An Unexpected Visit To Shelton's Workplace Today
Can you believe it?! That's a bonafide primate, dancing around an office building in some kind of weird cloth tuxedo! (Note To Self: Look into purchasing a weird cloth tuxedo. And a chimpanzee.)
Sadly, the quality is for something Bobo there loves to fling, as the photo was taken with Shelton's extremely low-tech "camera phone," whatever that means. But at the very least, I can give you a closer look at the savage beast itself:

Chimps In Cloth Tuxedos: What Will They Think Of Next?
Either way, nice work Shelton -- I smell a Pulitzer in your future! As to why the chimp was there, please keep me in the dark; the mystery itself is far too sweet!

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