kids are fun to beat
Hey gang! It's me, The Haiku Master, and am I ever in a great mood... 'cause I just whipped a bunch of neighborhood kids in a pick-up game of marbles!

Ring The Bell: The Haiku Master (Left Foreground) Schools A Group Of Children In The Ancient Game Of Marbles
That's right! Me, the Sultan of Syllables, beating children at one of the things they do best! Is there anything I can't master?! Frankly, I'm beginning to doubt it!
As if victory alone weren't enough, I also won the hefty pile of marbles shown below. Plus the little girl's authentic Indian headdress! Right on!!

The Haiku Master Used His Mad Skillz To Claim This Monty Haul
Okay for now, loyal readers! Like my close, personal friend Kenny Rogers always says: "There'll be time enough for counting when the dealing's done." For me, that time is now!

Next time, instead of marbles, take their kidneys. Thanks.
Yeah, how's it going with Scott Peterson? Does he really have a temper? (Sorry to pry; I heard you were involved)
More fan mail, great!
First, Sarathena: Good advice! Thanks! Regarding the Scott Peterson question, I can only assume you were asking that of Zander Schloss, former Circle Jerks bass player who now parades around as the so-called brother of Dan "The Man" Marino.
As for Zander Schloss, a word of advice: threatening comments are always welcome here at Haiku International, but unimaginative one-word posts are the sign of an imbecile. And I don't allow comments from imbeciles to stand! Get creative with your insults, or get out!
The Haiku Master
I like it when men put on tightie-whities and dance around my bed. It's the only way I can get to sleep at night!
Go Captain Walrus!
--Stan "The Can" Marino
Also, my mommy never loved me enough. Is that a bad thing?
There you go, Zander -- that's more like it! Keep up the good work, buddy!
The Haiku Master
Hey guys, by the way, did I mention that I just crapped my pants? 'Cause I did! And it feels GREAT!!! Who wants some of my poop?
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