sweet jesus, we're all going to die
Bad news, folks! Horrible news, in fact! It's me, The Haiku Master, and if the fine folks at CNN.com can be trusted, there is certainly a bad moon on the rise!
I didn't plan on doing any "blogging" tonight, but upon returning to Castle Haiku after a successful patrol, I decided to do some "web surfing"... only to find this at CNN's website!

Looks like an otherwise innocent report about the wrath of God being visited upon Louisiana and Mississippi, right? That's what I thought too. Until I noticed the links underneath the main blurb!

Do you see what I'm seeing? No?! Then let me spell it out for you:

That's right! FORECAST: DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!! It doesn't get any worse than that!!
Okay for now, 'ku believers -- I suggest you all take cover at nearby bomb shelters until it's safe to come out! I know that's what I'll be doing!

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