the haiku master's big vegas caper, pt. II
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Having received my marching orders from Professor de la Groove, I set about assembling the crack team of skilled professionals we were after... an act that would require more than a little pride-swallowing on my part! Why? Because you can't spell "professional" without the letters "p," "o," "a," and "l" -- all of which can be found in the name of one of Mexico's greatest adventurers, and my onetime sidekick, Paulo!

Paulo: Agent Of Haiku
Unfortunately, Paulo and I were no longer on the best of terms, having parted ways earlier this year after he and our band, Masters of Mariachi, betrayed yours truly in Austin. (Ed. Note: See "Drunk in the Heart of Texas" for details.) Still, given Paulo's wide range of talents, I knew we had to have him if this mission was going to be a success.
"Ésta es casa de Paulo," he said in a language I didn't recognize when I finally got him on the phone. "¿Qué usted desea?"
"Paulo old sport! It's me, The Haiku Master!"
"No, not the Queen -- The Haiku Master! You know, the Hombre muy Extraño? Now turn off the gibberish and turn on the English, son!"
"Oh, you. Well, uh, so what do you want?"
"I want what you want, friend!"
Silence. And then: "Tacos?"
"No! Danger! Excitement! Adventure! Bad craziness!!! That's what kindred souls like us want!"
"Oh. I think maybe you have the wrong number, señor."
"Wrong number?! Why you little rascal! This is about what happened last spring, isn't it?"
"No... Why? What happened last spring?"
"What happened last--?! Are you kidding me? You don't remember Sixsew? When you and MoM kicked me out of the band? And the subsequent unleashing of my infamous Haiku Master Beserker Rage, which undoubtedly landed all of you in traction for a few months or more? Is any of this ringing a bell?"
"Sí. All except the last part. You didn't hit us, señor. You just got mad, smashed two of Sanchez's guitars, then ran off screaming and waving your arms."
"Waving my... Huh. Well I'll be. Then you're not mad at me?"
"No, not me. Sanchez is though."
"Oh. I guess I can understand that. But why'd you say I had the wrong number if you're not mad?"
"Because I don't want those things you was talking about, Hombre muy Extraño. I just want some tacos."
"What about later?"
"You mean after tacos?"
"Yeah, after tacos."
"I don't know. Maybe I will take siesta?"
"A party?"
"No señor, that's fiesta."
"Then what the hell's a siesta?"
"A nap."

Doctor Who Owned The TARDIS, And Even He Didn't Spend As Much Time Talking On The Phone As The Haiku Master Has In This So-Called Adventure -- Ed.
"What the--?! For Pete's sake! What kind of crazy, mixed-up culture uses synonyms for its words for 'nap' and 'party'?!?"
"Sí, well, I'd love to say this was fun señor, but it wasn't. And I still want tacos."
Clearly, hope was fading fast... which meant it was time for the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 to fall back on the convincing power of a little white lie!
"Wait wait wait, Paulo -- listen to me! Remember who we fought on our first case together?"
"Sí, El Diablo. The cock with bones of steel."
"No, not the chicken. The chicken's owner, remember him?"
"If I tell you once, señor, I tell you a million times: is no chicken, is cock!"
"Look, I didn't call to argue semantics! Do you remember the owner, Haikunestro!?"
(Ed. Note: This time, see "Journey Into Mexico" for details.)
"Sí. What of him?"
"He's back, Paulo -- and this time, he's training an army of robot fighting chickens at his top secret base of operations in Las Vegas!"
"No!" Paulo gasped. "This cannot be! He'll drive all the honest cockfighters out of business! Gah -- like my cousin, Pepe!"
"Indeed he will, old friend... unless we stop him first! Now: are you with me?!?"
"¡Sí, Hombre muy Extraño, sí! No matter the cost, you can count on Paulo to help you with this!"
And just like that, Paulo was on board. With him secured, getting the rest of my prospective targets proved to be a breeze... though the mission awaiting us would be anything but!
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