now with ads
Please secure your socks, 'ku believers, or I, The Haiku Master, will knock them right the #@%$ off with this intestine-rupturing update!!
Are you ready? Are you sure you're ready? Okay, here it comes: I have a surefire moneymaking scheme that's going to put me on Easy Street forever, and I owe it all to the two little Google ads now running in what we pros refer to as the "masthead!"
(For you laypersons, that's the top part of this website.)
That's right! Every time you, my loyal fans, click either of those links, the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 clocks many Gs! I don't like to brag, but after just one day I've netted a cool seven cents...which means I should be able to buy this beautiful private island in no time:

Help The Haiku Master Relocate To This Private Island By Clicking The Ad Links At The Top Of This Page
Plus, Haiku International seems to get the coolest ads! In the past day alone, I've noticed solicitations for suicide prevention centers, a Christians-only suicide prevention center, a help center for troubled teen girls (to which I'm considering volunteering my services), another for troubled teens in general, and a swell course in self-confidence. And don't worry about being led to any criminal websites -- they're all Google-approved, and they pay me C-A-S-H!!
Believe you me, the Sultan of Syllables is a connoisseur of easy money, and this is by far the easiest I've ever come across. So click early and click often! Everyone who does is guaranteed a spot at my swank housewarming party once Haiku Island is finally mine; hope to see you there!

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