o brother who art thou?
Hi there, loyal readers! It's me, The Haiku Master, and in the words of my dearly departed Uncle Castor... "Holy Shit!"
Want to know the source of my excitement? Look no further than this picture, which my Minister of Information says he found at a German fetish site. Whatever that means (question marks added by Shelton...who's still on thin ice!):

Who Is This Cabbage-Headed Man And What Relation Does He Bear To The Haiku Master?
I mean, look! Look!! That man has cabbage for hair -- just like me, The Haiku Master!!! Sweet baby Jesus on an atom-powered pogo stick, don't you know what this means?!?
It means I, the Pharaoh of 5-7-5, am not alone in this crazy, mixed-up world! There are other cabbage-headed people amongst us! Well, amongst you...'cause I'm one of them! Homo Cabbagien uber alles!
Plus, given that he's wearing a smoking jacket and puffing a stogie -- two of my favorite pastimes -- he and I may very well be related!
Whew! All right, I've got to start working the phones to see what I can track down on this character. I just hope he's not a dick!

His cabbage, however, looks like it would be more condusive to making cole slaw. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He looks so familiar, I wonder just who that could be . . .
G-a-a-a-h! Honored Dog Warrior Cal, if you can recall anything -- ANYTHING -- about the man pictured above, the Sultan of Syllables will be forever in your debt! I'll pay for a hypnotist if it'll help; call me!
The Haiku Master
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