a pox on your regulations, mr. adsense
Hello, 'ku believers. It's me, The Haiku Master, and the control freaks at Google AdSense have shut down my latest moneymaking scheme!
Remember the ads that were running on the site? The ones I repeatedly asked you to click? Yeah, turns out that's in direct violation of the AdSense rules and regulations. As was my "content matter," whatever that means.
Stupid rules and regulations.
So, goodbye to that source of easy, easy money. Fortunately, my in-house endorsement deals with such world-beloved manufacturers as Vans, The Official Sneaker Of The Haiku Master, shall continue unabated.
Plus, my across-the-street neighbor Mr. Pinkerton tipped me off to a hot lead vis-a-vis Egyptian cotton. So don't worry -- the Pharaoh of 5-7-5 won't be going hungry. No thanks to the villains at Google AdSense.

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