final hunt for the pygmy gorilla, pt. III
Power and I walked in silence to the Adventure Team jeep parked outside. He took the wheel... but not before telling yours truly to don a silk blindfold!
"I'm not a kid sidekick anymore, Power." I snarled. "I'm not covering my eyes this time."
"Hey, don't shoot the messenger," he said. "This was Joe's idea, not mine."
"Jesus, fine! Give me the damn blindfold!"
As I tied the cloth 'round my face, Power gunned the jeep's engine and sped out of the airport parking lot. We drove for what seemed an eternity down roads with more bumps than all the nightclub bathrooms in Manhattan combined.

The Official Adventure Team Jeep
"I don't remember it taking this long the last time I was here," I muttered after hour three.
"The bridge is out," Power replied. "Had to take a detour. What's the matter, is your non-atomic bladder in need of a restroom?"
"No. Just feels like my ass is about to fall off, that's all."
"Heh-heh. Yeah, with a road this rocky, I'd probably feel the same way... had I not built a fantastic new atomic ass for myself a few years back! Maybe you should look into getting one."
"Maybe I will."
Finally, when I thought I could take no more, the jeep rolled to a stop. "All right, you crybaby, we're here," Power said. "Now get your gear and let's--"
"What in the name of all for one and one for all took you two so long?" barked a gruff voice.
I pulled off my blindfold and saw "Ol' Eagle Eyes" himself marching straight towards us. He was older, balder, and grayer to be sure, but it was definitely Joe.
"I expected you back hours ago, Power!," he shouted.

He May Be Past His Prime, But The Fabled Leader Of The Adventure Team Can Still Kung Fu Grip With The Best Of Them
"Sorry, Joe," Power answered. "The uh, bridge was out. Had to uh, take a detour..."
"Bridge? What bridge? What in the Sam Hill are you talking about, man? And why was H.M. blindfolded?"
"I, uh..."
"I knew it!" I fumed, winding up to deliver a devastating technique known as the Rusty Trumpet. "I knew you were #%$@ing with me, you self-loathing cyborg freak! Now I'm going to Haikung Fu those amazing atomic limbs of yours right down your amazing atomic pie hole!"
"Boy, boys!" Joe shouted, throwing himself between me and Power. "We can't let personal differences get in the way of our mission! Save it for our target: the pygmy gorilla. The filthy, evil pygmy gorilla!"
"All right, all right," I said, standing down. "But when this is done, Power, you and I are going to have words. And believe you me, you can count to the bank on that promise!"
With that, I snapped my fingers under Power's nose, then turned to follow Joe into Headquarters.
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